Where to place your scanner

1 min. readlast update: 05.29.2024

Ensure you have access to a power point and a wifi network. You can also connect to the internet via ethernet, if so ensure you have access to an ethernet port. Also consider that your users may be undressing to their underwear/active wear to get scanned, so an area which is private enough to do so is ideal. 


In general, avoid direct focussed light that casts onto the cameras. Spread diffuse light is ideal.



Avoid areas where light direction is constantly changing. The lighting conditions must remain constant - once a scanner is calibrated it will be set to those conditions.



Avoid placing scanner where lights are pointing directly at cameras



Avoid placing scanner near reflective surfaces(i.e shiny walls, laminated posters, metallic surfaces) that may reflect direct light onto the cameras. 



Avoid having different levels of light pointing at each camera. Here the top cameras are receiving too much light compared to the bottom ones. An even distribution is desired.



Diffuse light behind the scanner is acceptable. The scanner can also work well in dimmed rooms.


Next: How to set up your scanner





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